icona-1000x1000On the occasion of Expo 2015, Creativi Digitali launches its communication campaign in parallel to the official channels, Outside Expo, completely dedicated to outsiders and in its fully unconventional style that identifies the agency.

The Universal Exhibition that will take place in Milan starting from May, and will last six months, is going to expect 20 millions of visitors and tourists, with a awaited income of around 25 billion Euro. For this reason is essential for the brands which represent Made in Italy to be part of it, and take advantage of all the potentialities of exposure that Expo 2015 will offer.

Outside EXPO is a container conceived to offer an alternative and unconventional showcase for all the excellences, of various commodities sectors, present in the North of Italy. The services that we offer to companies include creation and management of online communication campaign, direct production of audio and video content, realization of out of the ordinary events (like flashmob, show, experience) and brand support in social world.

But not only.

The campaign also goes to visitors, Italian and foreign, who will actively participate to the Universal Exhibition and want to discover all the tourist opportunities offered by the territory, as well as to the citizen of Milan and neighboring, who want to take a break and “run away” from the natural chaos that EXPO will bring in the city, finding alternative solution for their free time.

“Be an outsider” is the payoff of Outside Expo, conceived to let the unconventional be perceived as an alternative and effective solution in respect of the institutional channels of Expo 2015, emerging among a bunch of official and parallel offers, which communicate in a traditional way and often pass by unnoticed.

Thanks to the experience of Creativi Digitali in digital and unconventional communication, Outside EXPO will enjoy the use of a big web “sounding board”, with original contents thought for outsiders written in English, Italian and Spanish, shared through the official website outsidexpo.it and related social channels (FacebookTwitterGoogle+Pinterest and YouTube).

[button link=”https://creatividigitali.com/download/cs-oe-en.zip” color=”default” size=”” type=”” shape=”” target=”_self” title=”” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” accent_color=”” accent_hover_color=”” bevel_color=”” border_width=”1px” shadow=”” icon=”fa-arrow-right” icon_divider=”yes” icon_position=”left” modal=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″ alignment=”left” class=”” id=””]Download official press release[/button]



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