Thanks to the Webinar by Twitter Academy called “Tweet for Performance with Twitter Ads” we collected few little tips that we want to share with you all, which are useful to improve your social media marketing strategy!

Opportunity is the main key word linked to Twitter: indeed on the famous social network, every tweet and every interaction gives useful informations about the users, in real time, which can be very interesting for the companies.

In the latest years the diffusion of mobile Internet has redoubled the time that people spend online: from 81 billion of minutes online on smartphones or tablets in 2010, to 381 billion of minutes in 2013.
Moreover, by 2018 there will be an increase of more or less 42%of commercial transitions made by mobile devices.


In Italy we can calculate a base of 284 million users: 78% of them surf the net through a mobile device, and there are more or less 500 million of daily tweets.
The 31% of these users tweet about their latest purchases, sharing their thoughts and opinions with their contacts: statistics affirm that saturday’s afternoon is the most dense week moment’s of tweets, and December is the most active month in this sense (because of Christmas and the last minute shopping).



So how can companies turn conversations into transactions, exploiting the purchase’s funnel on Twitter?

First of all a company needs to study a communication’s strategy, organized in three main steps:

  • PLAN the aim and set up a conversion tracking, besides the publications’ schedule;
  • START the strategy in the right time and modality;
  • OPTIMIZE the strategy by evaluating the results, testing and improving (for this step it’s important to use analytics).

Moreover, there are some tools available for companies that help to optimize the social media marketing strategies on Twitter: the Web Sites Card (to add an image, text or a button that links to the web site), the Lead Generation Card (useful for users to get easily informations) and the Mobile App Promotion (to directly download applications).

Let’s keep updated to our blog for the analysis of the next useful Webinar we are going to follow!

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